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Welcome to your weekly dose of sanity! We spotlight the dumb stuff business do and arm you with the know how to fix the unfixable.

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Back to the Office? What could possibly go wrong…or right?

In this edition we’re looking at the evidence to Return to the Office, stay home in your Pjs or something in between.

How to rebuild your team’s mojo when you’re running on fumes.

In this edition we’re going to explore how businesses sabotage resilience and how to get it back.

Are Toxic Cultures Recoverable?

In this edition we’re talking toxic dumpster fires for cultures and can they be turned around. Or is better to escape while you can?

Kind leaders don't get the corner office?

In this edition of Corporate Therapy, we explore whether kindness in leadership is a strength or a liability.

Change Comms: Why default to BS when we can lead with truth?

Welcome back. Today we are going to dive into the current state of change communications, why they suck and how to fix them.

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